Getting Started College Prep Kit: $150/hr.
Need help getting started? This package is the right way to kick off your college search!
Package includes:
- Initial planning meeting to identify needs and goals
- Personality inventory and career quiz to narrow down interests
- List of potential colleges based on interest, costs, and locations
- Application essay prep work and review for the Common App
College Entrance Work Comprehensive Package: $800
Need help with the college application process?
Let me guide your college search from beginning to end!
Package includes:
- Initial planning meeting to identify needs and goals
- Five follow-up meetings to discuss progress and additional questions
- List of potential colleges based on interest, costs, and locations
- Application essay prep work and review for the Common App and school-specific essays (if required)
- Resume preparation and review
- List of potential scholarships
- Materials to assist in tracking applications
- Advice on selection of college major/course of study
- Individualized attention to any questions about the college application process
- Extensive student preparation for making the transition to college, including assistance with registration, student housing, course selection, meal plans, etc. at the student’s selected college
The Whole Package: $1500
*Best Value*
Want continued help? This package will take you all the way from the start of your search to the end of your freshman year!
Package includes:
- Initial planning meeting to identify needs and goals
- Regular follow-up meetings to discuss progress and checkpoints (schedule set as requested)
- Availability via email and text, as needed
- Discounted college mentorship after the first year of college ($75/hr.)
College Prep Work:
- List of potential colleges based on interest, costs, and locations
- Application essay prep work and review
- Resume preparation and review for the Common App and school-specific essays (if required)
- List of potential scholarships and materials to assist in tracking applications
- Advice on selection of college major/course of study
- Individualized attention to any questions about the college application process
- Extensive preparation for making the transition to college, including assistance with registration, student housing, course selection, meal plans, etc. at the student’s selected college
First-Year College Mentorship Services:
- Skill development in important areas such as study skills, time management, goal setting, and organization
- Academic enrichment and monitoring to keep the student on track
- College resources and contact information for student needs (Disability Resource Center, tutoring, Honors College, organizations, etc.)
College Mentorship Package: $100/hr.
Looking for a mentor to hold you accountable and help you
stay on top of your academic work? Let me help you out!
Package includes:
- Weekly or biweekly meetings
- Availability via email and text, as needed
- Skill development in important areas such as study skills, time management, goal setting, and organization
- Academic enrichment and monitoring to stay on track
- College resources and contact information for student needs (Disability Resource Center, tutoring, Honors College, organizations, etc.)
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
-Nelson Mandela